
Friday, November 5, 2010

BBC 2010 - On the way to Boulder CO

Firkin Around...Boulder, Colorado.


Leaving Tampa FL, bound for Boulder CO to attend the first ever Beer Bloggers Conference.  The inaugural event takes place the weekend of November 5th, 6th and 7th. Of over five hundred beer bloggers identified, a little over 100 will attend this event.  I am looking forward to the chance to meet many of my brethren beer writers over the next three days of the event.

The agenda is jam packed, including two local brewery tours. Keynote speakers, bloggers of interest and brewers will take us, (the faithful advocates of craft and artisan brews), through a myriad of breakout sessions.  They will include topics such as monetizing a blog, creating a brand presence, learning how to drive more traffic to your blog, social networking, meeting brewers and learning the finer points of taste testing, and oh yes, blogging of course.  Quick, up-to-the-minute blog posts will abound to give our readers a glimpse into what is going on at this conference as it happens live and on the spot.

It is assured there will be many takeaways from this conference. Even as I write this on the plane to Boulder, I realize that the first intent will be to sharpen the focus of spreading the word about craft beer.  This will lead to better communications from the craft beer brewers, through us bloggers, reaching all the way out to those eager to learn more about this booming business of micro brewing.  I hope that your questions get covered.  Please leave comments on the posts if you need more information.

As I sit and stare out the window at 38,000 feet, munching on snack crackers and macro brewed swill, my mind reels in anticipation of the phenomenal beer that awaits.  Perhaps we can convince more airlines to carry some better beers….here’s to that revolution!

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